2016: From a Home to a Home
In 2016 Minh was involved in a group art project called From a Home to a Home, as described below.
From a Home to a Home: A Story of Migration
"Migratory shorebirds are a beautiful and rich metaphor for human migration. Like immigrants – even those most happily settled – shorebirds always feel the pull of their two homes. But unlike us, they are literally bound to fly forever between their breeding grounds in Alaska and Siberia and their summer home on the shores of Australia and New Zealand. No sooner are they in one hemisphere than they feel the pull of the other. It is a mythic existence of repetition and endurance that universalizes both the emotional and physical hardships, and the great and abiding hope, of migration."
Kate Gorringe-Smith, curator.
Flight of the Phoenix
2016, video, 2 mins 24 sec
Chim Phượng Hoàng
Phượng Hoàng yêu quý của tôi ơi
Chim hãy bay xa tận cuối trời
Phép lạ dẫn đường qua biển lửa
Ơn trên che chở vượt ngàn khơi
Nếu càng nhớ tổ càng ra sức
Sớm biết thương thân biết lập đời
Rạng mặt Phượng Hoàng loài chim quý
Lòng ta sung sướng lắm chim ơi
Phan Lý Long
Làm tại trại tù Long Gia, 1976
Flight of the Phoenix
Hark beloved precious Phoenix of mine
A bird has flown beyond horizon's line
Strange mythic powers pave through raging fire
And heavens shelter you from ocean’s mire
Remember your nest with all of your will
Care for thyself to forge a life anew
Shine proud your majestic ancestral flight
O beloved bird, my soul’s delight
Ly Long Phan
Long Giao concentration camp, 1976
Translation: Minh Phan, 2016

Still image from "Flight of the Phoenix", 2016, video, 2 mins 24 sec

Installation of work
Interview on Book and Arts, Radio National